
Tables are useful for displaying data.

Tables are madeup of:
A <table> tag for defining the table.
A <th> tag for the table heading.
A <tr> tag for the table row.
A <td> tag for the table data or cell

Cookies Chips
Chocolate Chip Doritos
White Chocolate Chip Macadamia Nut Sour Cream and Onion
Chocolate Fritos
Peanut Butter BBQ

Tables with rows and columns that span more than one row or column.

Name Phone Numbers
Kelly 802-555-1212 802-555-1313
Jane 802-554-6798 802-554-7096
Joan 802-555-1352 802-555-1983
Justin 802-556-6737 802-554-7476
Month Savings Saving for Holiday
January $100 $50
Febuary $80